Singing Guide: United Pursuit

Singing Guide: United Pursuit

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

United Pursuit is an American band known for its soulful and lyrical music style with deep spiritual undertones. The band comprises multiple singers, songwriters, and musicians who collaborate to create a unique and authentic sound. In this article, we will focus on how to learn singing like United Pursuit.

Song Selection:

A few notable songs that showcase the band's unique vocal technique and sound profiles include "Simple Gospel," "Looking for a Savior," and "Head to the Heart." These songs reflect the band's minimalist approach, with each band member contributing in harmony, creating an incredibly atmospheric and soul-filled musical performance.

Vocal Warm-up:

Before you start singing, ensure that you have spent the required time doing your vocal warm-up exercises. The Farinelli breathing technique is a good practice if you are just starting. You can find a warm-up video of United Pursuit on YouTube called "3 Minute Warm-Up."

Breath Control & Support:

One of the band's defining traits is their breath control and support technique. The articles on breath support, breathing basics, and respiration on Singing Carrots offer great insights to help you achieve this.

Intonation & Timbre:

United Pursuit's style often employs a mix of covered and open timbres. To achieve a similar effect, you need to work on your articulation and avoid constrictions in your throat, as highlighted in the "Avoiding Constrictions" blog.

Dynamics & Emotion:

The band's music style is characterized by minimalistic instrumentation, with a significant emphasis on dynamics and emotional sensitivity. Singers can learn to augment their emotional performance by understanding Vocal Distortion & Growling, which can inject a sense of passion and grit without overwhelming the underlying melody lines.


United Pursuit's music relies heavily on collaboration, and learning to train your ear and harmonize will be essential in your quest to learn singing like this group. The pitch accuracy test and pitch visualizer on Singing Carrots are fantastic places to start building your vocal harmony skills.


To summarize, United Pursuit has a unique and unparalleled approach to making music that is rooted in emotive collaboration. To learn singing like this band, hone your breath control and support, work on achieving the right balance between open and covered timbres, develop your dynamic control and emotions with various vocal techniques, and don't forget to embrace collaboration with fellow musicians! Singing Carrots offers numerous resources to help you achieve your goals, including the range test, search songs, artists' vocal ranges, and singing course.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.